mercredi 28 août 2013

The World's Cutest Mushroom Kitten Has Passed Away


Wasabi-chan, the injured Japanese kitten that charmed the Internet with her crocheted mushroom costume, passed away this week.

A tweet from Wasabi-chan's owner, @jessiepon, announced the famous kitty's death

わさび18時30分頃 息を引き取りました。わさび最後まで頑張って偉かったです。数えきれないほどの励ましのメッセージありがとうございました。

— わさびちゃん (@jessiepon) August 27, 2013

Wasabi-chan found fame in July after a photo of her wearing the fungus garb was shared on Reddit. According to the initial Reddit post, the tiny kitten's owner found her crying in the street after surviving a vicious crow attack, leaving her with a fractured jaw and hole in her throat. The tiny outfits that propelled her to online notoriety were used to prevent further injury Read more...

More about Pics, Cat, Instagram, Watercooler, and Mushroom Cat

via Mashable

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