mercredi 30 octobre 2013

'Humans of New York' Helps Raise $80K for Orphan's Adoption


When Humans of New York creator Brandon Stanton created a crowdfunding campaign to help pay for a photography subject and his wife to adopt an orphan from Ethiopia, he figured he'd end up footing some of the bill. Whatever amount short the campaign fell of its $26,000 goal, he promised, he'd make up himself

Just one day later, however, the crowdfunding campaign has raised $80,000—and proven once again the unpredictable ways the social web can be leveraged for social good

The story starts with Stanton recently riding around with a TV crew doing a report on his popular photo-project-turned-bestselling-book. He and the cameraman, who was driving their van, got to talking about Ethiopia. Turns out the cameraman, Duane Watkins, and his wife had adopted their daughter from the East African country three years prior after being unable to conceive on their own Read more...

More about Social Good, Crowdfunding, and Us World

via Mashable

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