Netflix, the undisputed king of full-season TV binge-viewing, is now preparing for battle with networks, along with cable and satellite providers, on a new front: in-season binge-watching.
Currently, viewers can easily watch previous full-seasons of a series via Netflix or other streaming providers like Amazon Prime and Hulu Plus. A recent Nielsen study found that 88% of Netflix users engage in binge-viewing, defined as watching three or more episodes of the same TV show in a single day. The practice has in turn helped boost ratings for shows like Breaking Bad and Scandal.
But when it comes to binge-watching a show’s current season, options are very limited. The studio’s deals with Netflix/Amazon Prime/Hulu Plus usually cap the number of current episodes a network can offer via video on demand (VOD) at five. So if viewers want to binge, unless they purchase individual episodes via iTunes or Amazon on Demand, they must wait until the summer when the whole season becomes available via a streaming provider, which denies networks (and their advertisers) the opportunity to capitalize on these eager new potential viewers. Read more...
More about Netflix, Video On Demand, Amazon Prime, Netflix Streaming, and Video Streaming
via Mashable
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