vendredi 1 novembre 2013

This Artist Wants You to Touch a Stranger


Richard Renaldi isn't much for subtlety

The 46-year-old New York artist is clear in his requests: He wants you to snuggle with a stranger. That one right over there, just for a second or two. Put your arm around him and pretend you like him. Come on, it's for art.

Renaldi's latest book project, Touching Strangers , which recently met its funding goal on Kickstarter, explores the (awkward) intimacy between passersby on the street. Since 2007, he's selected strangers at random and asked to photograph them in affectionate poses. He's hit the sidewalks in New York, Las Vegas, San Francisco and small towns throughout the Midwest, all with a view camera in hand and a bizarre request at the ready. Read more...

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via Mashable

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