mercredi 27 novembre 2013

What Happens When a Comet Loses Its Tail?


It's difficult to predict exactly CME will happen when the potentially great Comet ISON makes a sharp turn around the sun on Thanksgiving Day. But one thing is certain: The journey will be dangerous.

At less than 730,000 miles from the sun's surface, solar eruptions could rock the icy comet. Experts with NASA say lessons from another comet's tail-clipping encounter with the sun in 2007 presents a forbidding example of what could happen to Comet ISON.

That lesson comes from Comet Encke, which faithfully completes one orbit around the sun every 3.3 years and is one of the most studied comets in history. When it approached the sun in 2007, a coronal mass ejection, or CME, burst from our star and struck the comet, tearing off its tail. NASA's STEREO spacecraft captured images of the violent encounter as this video animation of the comet shows. Read more...

More about Space, Nasa, Science, Thanksgiving, and Us World

via Mashable

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