vendredi 27 décembre 2013

Should You Expand Your Business to a New Market?


Diversify or die. Pivot or persevere. These are the adages that accompany expanding into new markets. And they are harrowing to entrepreneurs, to say the least.

"Don't do it and you'll fail" — that's what they mean. But in the startup world, expanding is a double-edged sword. If you diversify too soon, you will also fail.

New markets are alluring. They shine with possibility. They glisten with a go-getter attitude. But, like the an oasis in the Sahara, they are often optical illusions.

So what's the secret to seeing past the intangible lush greenery: Ensuring you have an unfair market advantage. We spoke with three executives to learn more about "diversify or die" and how to diversify smartly (or not at all). Read more...

More about Expansion, Business Plans, Business, Startups, and Supported

via Mashable

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