mercredi 26 février 2014

A Quick 'Tetris' Game Can Curb Cravings for Cigarettes or Food


For those trying to quit smoking, drinking or successfully master a diet, the block-stacking classic Tetris could be a key to success, according to a study released by Plymouth University in the United Kingdom.

The study tests Elaborated Intrusion Theory, suggesting that imagery is central to our cravings, so giving the brain a visual task will alleviate the compulsion

Subjects experiencing cravings were asked to play Tetris for three minutes. They either had the chance to play, or were presented with a three-minute long loading screen — artificially created by the testers. Those who did get to play reported a 24 percent drop in cravings. Read more...

More about Entertainment, Gaming, Tetris, Science, and Health Fitness

via Mashable

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