mardi 1 avril 2014

Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg Cut His Salary to $1


In 2013, Zuck only earned a buck.

Going by salary at least, Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg earned just $1 for the year, according to a regulatory filing released on Monday. In Silicon Valley, though, earning a token salary is a sure sign that you've made it. Other $1-per-year men have included Apple's Steve Jobs and the Google guys — Sergey Brin and Larry Page. Like those tech luminaries, Zuckerberg owns a substantial stake in his company, making a salary irrelevant. Nevertheless, Zuckerberg has collected a decent salary before — in 2012, he made $503,205

More about Facebook, Mark Zuckerberg, Sheryl Sanberg, and Business

via Mashable

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