It's easy to hate your credit card company, but not so much when they replace your broken stuff.
Redditor MaskedKoala, a Capital One customer, was having keyboard issues. Many websites, especially financial institutions, disable users' ability to copy and paste text into certain fields, such as usernames and passwords. The security measure can be quite annoying, especially if your account number is a long list of random numbers, but for MaskedKoala, the feature made it nearly impossible to pay his bill online.
MaskedKoala had suffered the common misfortune of an "orange juice incident" (we've all been there), which left the number "2" key on his keyboard not working properly. Although aggravating, living with a busted keyboard is possible on most of the web because you can copy and paste the text your keyboard is incapable of producing — except on some secure websites. Read more...
More about Reddit, Business, Capital One, Watercooler, and Conversations
via Mashable
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