jeudi 28 août 2014

The Tiniest Mistake May Have Led to Nationwide Time Warner Cable Outage


An extra zero or maybe a misplaced period — that's how small the error could be that led to a new nationwide Internet outage for Time Warner Cable customers.

TWC announced on Wednesday evening that its recent issues were due to a single mistake. The company's statement is full of jargon, but take a look for yourself:

During an overnight network maintenance activity in which we were managing IP addresses, an erroneous configuration was propagated throughout our national backbone, resulting in a network outage. We immediately identified and corrected the root cause of the issue and restored service by 7:30 a.m. ET. We apologize for any inconvenience this caused our customers. A failure of this size is very serious and we are taking the necessary steps to improve our processes with the objective of making sure this doesn’t happen again. Read more...

More about Time Warner Cable, Business, and Media

via Mashable

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