lundi 13 avril 2015

Woolfe - The Red Hood Diaries

Woolfe ist ein tolles 2.5D Jump and Rund - basierend auf der Unreal Engine. Eine interessantes Spiel bei dem die Geschichte von Rotkäppchen "etwas" düsterer ausfällt :-)

So beschreibt der Hersteller das Spiel:

Woolfe - The Red Hood Diaries is a cinematic fable featuring a vengeful Red Riding Hood. All grown up, cried out and armed with an axe, our heroine embarks on an odyssey to avenge the death of her parents. Buckle up for a surprising take on the Red Riding Hood tale as you know it, some good old-fashioned action platforming, fun combo-based hack ‘n slash combat and rewarding environment puzzles exploring the attractive fantasy universe.

Four years ago, Red Riding Hood’s father Joseph, lead engineer for Woolfe Industries, died in a work accident. At least, that’s what his family was told. All grown-up and cried out, our heroine is ready to unveil the truth and present the bill for her tragic loss.

She leaves her Granny and her safe place, the forest, and heads back to the city, which she finds paralyzed with fear and scarred by a plague of kidnappings. B.B. Woolfe, CEO of Woolfe Industries, rules the place with an iron fist and an ever present army of henchmen. The fearless young woman engages in a violent vendetta against the megalomaniac, whom she holds responsable for her father’s death. Level by level, she learns more about her father, about what happened on the dreadful night he died, and about Woolfe… who turns out to hide secrets even darker than she could have imagined.

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Woolfe - The Red Hood Diaries

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