mercredi 30 octobre 2013

Lightning Detector System Tracks Storms in Western Africa


Storms are usually tracked with Doppler radar, but those systems are expensive and not available everywhere around the world — especially in developing countries. Guinea, a small country in western Africa, has started using a new, cheaper technique for charting weather: tracking flashes of lightning.

The system uses lightning as a proxy for storm intensity, and most recently used the method to track and issue an alert for a large thunderstorm that hammered western Guinea with rain and high winds on Oct. 22

The whole network consists of 12 lightning detectors placed atop mobile phone towers throughout the country and was installed by the American company Earth Networks for $1 million, according to Nature . A Doppler radar would cost about 10 times that much, Nature noted. Read more...

More about Weather, Storm, Africa, Us World, and World

via Mashable

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