There are many things Apple’s iPad Air is not. It’s not the cheapest tablet you can buy. It’s not the lightest. It doesn't have the highest resolution screen. Yet, on balance, it’s still the best consumer tablet on the market. Here’s why.
A Stellar Design
Let’s start with what is most noticeably different about this fifth-generation iPad: At 0.29 inches, the iPad Air is the thinnest full-size iPad Apple has ever made. It’s also the exact same thickness as the new iPad Mini Retina. In fact, if you’ve ever seen an iPad Mini, you know exactly what the iPad Air looks like: it’s essentially a larger clone. Read more...
More about Review, Apple, Reviews, Tablet, and Ipad
via Mashable
Speaking about surfing. I would say it is one of the best sports but good coverage is not given to this sport on international media.