mercredi 2 octobre 2013

Hulu Plus Now Available on Google Chromecast


Hulu has endorsed Google's Chromecast device with a new app that lets Chromecast owners stream Hulu Plus content on their TVs

In a blog post on Wednesday, Karan Nischol, senior product manager at Hulu, wrote that Hulu's teams in Santa Monica, Calif., and Beijing worked with Google on the app. The app "makes it easier to control" Hulu Plus content on TVs, Nischol wrote, and a "simple tap on your mobile device screen allows you to scroll through and watch all your favorite TV shows."

The app also has a custom remote control with play/pause plus a 10-second rewind Read more...

More about Media, Hulu Plus, Business, Tv, and Chromecast

via Mashable

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