jeudi 2 janvier 2014

'New York Times' Readies for Web Redesign on Jan. 8 With Native Ads


The Grey Lady is ready to go native.

The New York Times announced on Thursday that it will launch a redesign of its website on Jan. 8 that will include content sponsored by advertisers, a concept known as native advertising.

The site will also feature responsive design, which seeks to optimize content across various platforms, and a fresh emphasis on visuals, particularly video and photographyThe introduction of native advertising and a focus on video will seek to boost falling advertising revenue on both the print and digital sides.

Online video ads have been a bright spot for media outlets trying to increase ad revenue and provide an alternative to more traditional web offerings like banner ads. Marketers have started turning to online video ads as a cheaper and more cost-efficient alternative to traditional television spots. Read more...

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via Mashable

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