mercredi 26 février 2014

Venezuela Protests Mapped: How the First Month Played Out


Venezuelans have had quite the month. The South American country’s fiery 28 days of protests began in the Western state of Tachira with authorities arresting students who were simply advocating for better security

Since then, massive gatherings in plazas and squares across the country have grown—and turned violent. An opposition leader has been thrown in jail. A beauty queen was shot dead in the streets. All told, up to 13 have been killed in demonstrations and attacks that have ranged from Marabaibo to Caracas. And Venezuelans, striving for a non-violent end to President Nicolas Maduro's one-year presidency (which is, in a sense, a continuation of Hugo Chavez's 15-year regime), have increasingly resorted to picking up arms. Read more...

More about Venezuela, Us World, World, and Venezuela Protests

via Mashable

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