samedi 1 février 2014

Dylan Farrow Speaks Out on Woody Allen Sexual Abuse Allegations


Woody Allen's Golden Globe lifetime achievement award reignited a debate about past charges of child sexual abuse against the Hollywood director, and now his alleged victim has decided to add her voice to the debate.

Dylan Farrow, daughter of Allen's ex-girlfriend, actress Mia Farrow, wrote an open letter in the The New York Times about allegedly being abused by Allen when she was 7 years oldNYT journalist Nicholas Kristof contacted Dylan through his friendship with Mia and her son Ronan Farrow

Allen has never been convicted of any wrongdoing in the case. However, despite his presumed innocence under the law, Kristof decided to publish the letter, saying it's important for "the world to hear Dylan’s story in her own words." Read more...

More about Golden Globes, Sexual Abuse, Film, Us World, and Us

via Mashable

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