samedi 1 février 2014

Nike's New Cleats to Debut at the Super Bowl


Super Bowl XLVIII may be one of the coldest in NFL history, but Nike's latest innovation may make it one of the fastest, too. The sports apparel company recently announced that Broncos and Seahawks players will wear its newest football cleats, the Vapor Carbon Elite, for the big game.

The new cleats succeed Nike's previous model, the Vapor Laser Talon, which helped players run faster, but only in a straight direction. Unfortunately, few NFL players only run in a straight line. They cut, juke, spin and shuffle. According to a statement on the Nike website, the designers of the Vapor Carbon Elite used a 3D print design to create a shoe that gives players better traction in all directions. Read more...

More about Football, Nike, Super Bowl, Advertising, and Entertainment

via Mashable

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