vendredi 29 novembre 2013

Police Need Small Bomb Squad Bots But Don't Have the Money


Police squads across the U.S. respond to more than 30,000 bomb-related incidents every year. Though many turn out to be hoaxes or false alarms, the immediacy of these situations highlights a need for small, deployable robots that can navigate all types of terrain and dismantle explosives.

David Heaven, a representative of the National Bomb Squad Commanders Advisory Board, based in Huntsville, Ala., said his organization has deemed small robots a high-acquisition priority for bomb squads throughout the country. Representatives from the Department of Homeland Security and several bomb squad commanders around the U.S. also told Mashable that there is a huge need for androids that can immediately deploy and deal with bomb threats. Read more...

More about Robots, Bomb, Boston Police, Police, and Dev Design

via Mashable

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