When competing for the global smartphone crown a company can’t afford to allow its competitors, or the general public, to detect any lack of confidence in its own wares. But on Friday, Apple's chief rival, Samsung, blinked. In a message posted to the company’s blog, Samsung indirectly acknowledged the popularity of Apple’s new gold iPhone 5S by posting a kind of “us too” gallery of all the phones it has offered in gold.
Marked as an editorial, the post states, “Everybody loves gold, which is why we sometimes make phones in that color. (Or sometimes even with actual gold for the body!) See below to check out some of the phones we’ve released in gold in the past…” Read more...
More about Apple, Samsung, Smartphones, Tech, and Dev Design
via Mashable http://mashable.com/2013/09/29/samsung-responds-to-gold-iphone-5s/?utm_medium=feed&utm_source=rss
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