lundi 2 septembre 2013

6 Labor-Saving Gadgets for a Life of Leisure


Labor Day is supposed to be all about relaxation — it might as well be called Labor-less Day. (Unless you have to go to work, in which case we apologize.)

We rounded up a unique blend of tech, for your leisurely luxury, that perform all your everyday tasks for you. It's less lazy, and more ..patriotic? Let's go with patriotic. Take a look at the list below, throw on some white clothes and let these machines take care of all your worries this weekend. It is, after all, the only time of year you can get away with not doing anything

Are there any work-reducing gadgets we missed? Tell us below which devices you rely on to take care of your mundane must-dos. And enjoy the extended weekend! Read more...

More about Gadgets, Holidays, Lists, Features, and Tech

via Mashable

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