mercredi 30 juillet 2014

Dean Norris Was Trapped in a Dome With Mashable at Comic-Con


Comic-Con is a strange place. You can find yourself lining up for the bathroom alongside a stormtrooper, eating a stale pretzel next to a zombie, or in our case, trapped under a dome with one of the coolest guys on TV

Dean Norris, who is arguably best known for his role as DEA agent Hank Schrader on Breaking Bad, spends his current days on CBS' Under the Dome, where he plays Big Jim, a man whose heart is in the right place, but whose brain is a little murdery

When we caught up with Norris at Comic-Con, he talked about bringing the show to the biggest fan fest on planet Earth, and gave tips to anyone who wants to pull off a Big Jim costume next year Read more...

More about Television, Comic Con, Entertainment, Tv, and Under The Dome

via Mashable

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